Interested in the project? Fill out the form below:

If you’re a return customer, kindly log in to your existing account before proceeding.
Personal Information
First Name *
Surname *
Other Name
Marital Status *
Religion *
Date of Birth *
Nationality *
Gender *
Permanent Address *
Residential Address *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Next of Kin Information
Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Relationship *
Employment Information
Employer *
Occupation *
Work Address *
Official Phone Number *
Official Email Address *
Witness Information
Name of Witness *
Occupation of Witness *
Address of Witness *
Purchase Information
Project of Interest
Leave unchanged
Purpose of Purchase *
Payment Plan *
Proof of Initial Payment *
Maximum file size: 1 MB
Upload your receipt
Valid ID *
Maximum file size: 1 MB
Passport Photograph *
Maximum file size: 1 MB
Is this application aided by a Velox staff? *
Name of Staff
Email of Staff

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